Dissapearing WordPress PLugins

Dissapearing WordPress Plugins

The plug-ins in WordPress are used to detecting a new code every time a new plugin is detected. This on the other hand, doesn’t mean that the WordPress feature can detect and report spam and so if the code is compromised, the effect spreads to all other PHP files on every site. These compromised codes sends Spam mails to other site every time a visitor is browsing your site and this causes Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) attack. Therefore its good noting that the WordPress plug-in that removes files which miss some specific data is not a security, but a byproduct which checks the plug-in version,the authorship information,links to plug-in homepage and brief description of the plug-in. This is why after installing,updating and then deleting your plug-in some or all other plug-ins tend to disappear. Thereafter it requires you to use FTP sessions in order to reinstall your original files when already your site is facing malicious visual destruction of the database.

Worry no more for there are key things that can really help you overcome the frustration as seen below.

  • First you need to login in cpanel using SSH and type /last login at the command prompt so that the IP address of the last user can be displayed. This way you can tell if your site was hacked by even checking the list of recent users. Instantly change your Cpanel password using SSH or STTP and not FTP for it snitches it to the public. Next is running an anti-virus software that will prevent your site from malicious attacks.
  • Don’t forget to update all your software packages in wordpress and check for version compatibility. Softwares includes galleries, blogs and all applications together with their plug-ins in WordPress to avoid inevitable vulnerability that hackers use to cause damage using automated scripts. This makes the website safe
  • Delete all FTP files in the hidden files,incase you didn’t add them or are unfamiliar to you. If using SSH-login to cpanel, look for public html-check -mtime -3(days after hacking )and the directory should read as 744 and 644check(type d and f ;chmod 755’chmod 644 ).
  • Review your databases for a fresh backup and you can use the cloudflare that is set for you in the cpanel to limit attacks.

I hope this saves you.

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